
Hadith 9: Responsibility within one’s capacity التكليف بما يستطاع

Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said:

مَا نَهَيْتُكُمْ عَنْهُ فَاجْتَنِبُوهُ وَمَا أَمَرْتُكُمْ بِهِ فَافْعَلُوا مِنْهُ مَا اسْتَطَعْتُمْ فَإِنَّمَا أَهْلَكَ الَّذِينَ مِنْ قَبْلِكُمْ كَثْرَةُ مَسَائِلِهِمْ وَاخْتِلَافُهُمْ عَلَى أَنْبِيَائِهِمْ

What I have prohibited for you, avoid it. What I have commanded you, do it as much as you can. Verily, those before you were ruined only due to their excessive questioning and contradicting their prophets.

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 6858, Grade: Muttafaqun Alayhi

In another narration, the Prophet said:

اتْرُكُونِي مَا تَرَكْتُكُمْ فَإِذَا حَدَّثْتُكُمْ فَخُذُوا عَنِّي فَإِنَّمَا هَلَكَ مَنْ كَانَ قَبْلَكُمْ بِكَثْرَةِ سُؤَالِهِمْ وَاخْتِلَافِهِمْ عَلَى أَنْبِيَائِهِمْ

Leave me with what I have left you. When I narrate a saying to you, take it from me. Verily, those before you were ruined only due to their excessive questioning and contradicting their prophets.

Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhī 2679, Grade: Sahih

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